Is your attention-energy invested in knowing about the power of
"the all-seeing eye" panopticon, "out there"?
Are you interested in experiencing the power of the All-Seeing I, the living Divine in You?
On some level of
reality perception
we are always everyone
And, on some level
we all know everything
all of the time.
There is no deception possible unless we,
on some level of our awareness,
choose it.
Get quiet, be still.
Empty your self into the infinite.
There you discover the peace that passes understanding.
Gently allow your sweet little meandering mindstream
to flow into the oceanic Mind of God.
(That's what yoga really is, to be yoked,
joined with the Divine Mind.)
If it feels scary or impossible
it may be because we are accustomed to feeling small and weak.
God is infinite and powerful beyond measure.
And so we think we'll be crushed if we go there.
And we will
in a good way ...
We all know about the butterfly...
The caterpillar spins silk
and wraps itself
into a cocoon
hanging by a thread
and quietly dissolves
into a no-thing
a mass of "imaginal cells,"
and by divine design transforms
into a new and beautiful expression.
It's like a lot of things...
the more we can relax into it
the more easeful the experience will be.
if there are still unresolved shadows
(memories, traumas, errors in perception and thought, etc,)
hidden and stored
in psychic time capsules
bubbles of belief
they'll be floating up to the surface
and bursting open
so that they can be available to consciousness
for transmutation.
You can try to cut off your flow
to shore up the banks
and act like you're a stagnant pond
going nowhere.
Or you can let go
and allow the river of your own energetic currents to flow,
and trust that you will find your way to the Ocean.
You are already connected to and a part of that Wholeness.